
be equal to everyone中文什么意思

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  1. Your hardworking will be rewarded by god one day . god is equal to everyone
  2. Rome wasn ' t built in a day . working harder and practicing more . you will be rewarded by god one day . god is equal to everyone
  3. Rome wasn ' t built in a day . work harder and practice more . your hardworking will be rewarded by god one day . god is equal to everyone
  4. Rome wasn t built in a day . work harder and practice more . your hardworking will be rewarded by god one day . god is equal to everyone
  5. Rome wasn ' t built in a day . work harder and practice more . your hardworking will be rewarded by god one day . god is equal to everyone


        equal:    adj. 1.相等的;平等的,均等的 (to; with ...
        everyone:    pron. =everybody.
        everyone is equal:    人人生而平等
        everyone is equal before the truth:    真理面前人人平等
        with everyone:    劲往一处使
        be equal to:    比得上,匹配,相等; 胜任, 相等, 合适; 与……相当,有能力胜任……的; 与……相等; 与…对等
        equal:    adj. 1.相等的;平等的,均等的 (to; with); 同等的;公平的;一样的。 2.平静的;平稳的。 3.势均力敌的;相当的。 4.适合的;胜任的,经得起的。 the principle of equal opportunity 机会均等主义。 equal opportunity employer 〔美国〕标榜招工一视同仁的雇主。 an equal plain 平原。 be equal to 1. 等于 (The supply is equal to the demand. 供求相等。 Twice two is equal to four. 二个二等于四)。 2. 赶得上,敌得过。 3. 胜任,能干 (He is equal to anything. 他事事能干)。 4. 忍耐得住 (be equal to any trial 经得起任何磨炼)。 equal to the occasion 能应付局势 (make a quick decision equal to the occasion 当机立断)。 equal to the task 胜任。 equal pay for equal work 同工同酬。 in a firm, equal tone 用坚定平稳的音调。 on an equal footing 以平等地位对待,在同一立场上。 on equal terms (with) (与…)平等相处。 n. 1.地位相等的人,同辈。 2.对等的事物。 mix with one's equals and betters 跟同辈和长辈交往。 be the equal of one's word 守约。 have no equal in music 在音乐方面没有人比得上。 without (an) equal 无敌。 vt. (〔英国〕 -ll-) 1.抵得上,比得上。 2.等于。 3.〔古语〕使相等,使平等;同样看待;照样报答。 No man equals him in strength. 没有人比他气力大。
        equal to:    等于; 相等,胜任; 相等;相同;敌得过;担得起; 相等的; 与…平等
        is not equal to:    不等于号
        not equal:    不等于
        not equal to:    不等于
        t be equal to:    与相匹敌
        a toast everyone:    敬大家一杯酒
        and everyone is singing:    每个人都在歌唱
        be the admiration of everyone:    人人称羡
        everyone a publisher:    人人都是出版家
        everyone else:    其他每个人
        everyone is a superstar:    星秀传说
        everyone is exhilarated:    群情振奋
        everyone is for himself:    自己顾自己
        everyone is special:    人人都很特别
        everyone says:    每个人都说
        everyone wins:    今天谁会赢; 这两句情况有些不同
        everyone(everybody):    每个人
        everyone,everywhere:    大家,四处


  1. be epitomized in the formula 什么意思
  2. be equal in length 什么意思
  3. be equal in value 什么意思
  4. be equal of one’s words 什么意思
  5. be equal to 什么意思
  6. be equally authentic 什么意思
  7. be equally matched 什么意思
  8. be equipped 什么意思
  9. be equipped for 什么意思
  10. be equipped with 什么意思


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